Preparing for Quiz 4

In this section we continue our study of rationalism in epistemology. We read a modern rationalist, Rene Descartes.

This is the material for Quiz 4.


Readings for Quiz 4

The reading assignments for this section are:


Objectives for Quiz 4

You should be able to answer the following essay questions:

  1. What is the difference between a priori and a posteriori knowledge?

  2. The question of whether or not Jupiter has moons is an astronomical matter; it’s not a question of theology or Scripture. So why did the Church find this discovery alarming?

  3. What happens in the first Meditation?

  4. What is “Cartesian dualism”?

  5. In Meditation VI, Descartes finally concludes that he has knowledge of the world external to his mind. Why? What sort of knowledge of the external world does he get? Why was the Church happy with Descartes’ conclusions?

  6. What is Descartes' argument of the wax? What does Descartes think it proves? NOTE: An argument is a set of statements (premises and conclusion). So if I ask you to give an argument, I mean you should give all the statements that comprise the argument (the premises AND the conclusion — not just the conclusion).

  7. Why did Descartes write the Meditations? HINT: Philosophers today don't address their works to the Church. Why did Descartes dedicate the Meditations to the faculty of theology of the University of Paris? Why did Descartes want the Church to notice the Meditations?

  8. Terry says, “For all I know, I'm really a brain in a vat, with my sense inputs controlled by space aliens. The real world may be nothing at all like the world I experience.” Assuming Terry is not hallucinating or insane, what arguments might Descartes present to convince her that her view is unreasonable?

  9. What is epistemology?

  10. What is the difference between metaphysics and epistemology?

  11. What are typical questions in epistemology?

  12. What is rationalism in epistemology?

  13. What is the difference between rationalism and empiricism in epistemology?




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